After having quite a few pieces for myself it was time to pack up and head out. Packing took a while so I was able to fit in a little snack at the store and a can of coke before eturning to trail. I also picked up a warmer pair of gloves as I've had cold hands while hiking the last few days.
I went a little further than I thought I would but that meant setting up camp in the fading light. I was able to mostly get without the head torch, but needed it for cooking. Definitely feeling these shorter days. Today felt quite a bit warmer but there is likely rain again tonight so that might change quickly.
The rain started at about 3am and was still going when it ca me time to pack down the tent. Still not as cold as the other day but stuffing a wet tent away is never fun. I stayed in my sleeping bag for at least an extra hour this morning but knew I had to get on the move eventually.

Met up with some other hikers for smoko and discussed plans for the day. There was a hut/shelter a good distance from where I camped so I said I'd be heading for there. One guy said something like "Yeah, you can say that now but might not if it starts raining." Another that I hadn't really hiked with before but met quite a few times said;
Nah man, if Garfield says he's going to do something; It'll happen.
So that made me feel pretty good. It's nice to know others can recognise something I've always tried to live up to. When your only making plans for a day or 2 ahead it's not hard to stick with them but some people still have trouble with it, even when the only variable is 'how far.'
Was a great section on the way to the hut. Soured only by the fact that I was stung by a bee... I've had a few ant bites but this was the first bite/sting that really hurt. Started to swell so I took some anti-histimine and by the time I reached the hut I could barely feel it.
Not long after I was settled a Trail Angle opened a 1.75 lt bottle of bourbom for the hut, threw away the lid and proceeded to pass it around... Might not be a quiet night out of the rain...

Despite the ample supply of liquid warmth most hikers were in bed or asleep by 930. This was fine by me as I hopped into my sleeping bag around 9. Work to some eager hikers packing away at 6am, the joys of sharing living space...
Some early morning drizzle though the rest was a pretty good day. Sun shone through by 11 ish and it didn't rain again until after I was warm in my tent. Camped near a weather station. Once manned, and abandoned buildings left behind, it's now all automated. And has a phone tower, so great reception.
Rain got a little heavy during the night and continued as light rain through some of the morning. One of the good things about all the rain though is all the little mossy falls right near the trail.
Made it to the next town late afternoon to enjoy pizza and beer. Got a message from Double Check, her and Missguyver were some hikers I spent some miles with way back before mile 500. They finished a week ago and were out doing magic. I was a little too fast for the magic but they were able to swing by town and grab a beer. It was great catching up and swapping stories and also hearing all the news about other hikers I haven't seen in a long time.
Room for the night and decent wifi so I was able to Skype home. I thought Cascade Locks may have been the last chance before Canada so it was nice to have a good connection. Another win was the weather. It was as of someone had flicked a switch. Clear blue skies and a decent temp.
Hiked out late morning after taking the time to enjoy a long bath in the room. I was waiting on a package anyway that went to the Post Office proper rather than the 'Rural Branch' of the same. It arrived about 5 min before I went to check on it, lucky timing.
Instantly started up a huge climb the moment I hopped back on trail. With the clear blue sky I was able to see amazing views that stretched on for ages. Such an absolutely beautiful day both weather and view wise today. Amazing. The reports have us enjoying another 8-9 days of this good weather and hiker stories pitch this as the prettiest section.

Stopped for arvo tea by a small lake with another Aussie hiker I've met a few times. His partner is over to join him on this section, so they were planning to stop there. Another trio arrived with an Aussie I'd never met.
With the 4 of us there we got into a pretty good conversation using words that thoroughly confused the Americans. Reminiscing about Australian food goods also played a big role in the conversation.
After finally setting off again we started up another decent climb. I saw my first mountain goat run up a cliff I think I would have a hard time climbing. Their call is pretty weird though, like a high pitched whistle.
The next morning I awoke to beautiful 360 views of mountains. Lots of up and down today and lots and lots of amazing views. It might be as we've hit it with good weather but I'm really loving this section. Really happy to be able to see all the mountain ridges and not just white cloud.

While the sky was still blue someone had switched it back to bitterly cold mornings. I eventually crawled out of my nice warm bag to begun the day. Despite being fine now there is still plenty of evidence that Washington is a wet state. Seeping creeks, moss covered trees and rocks and plenty of beautiful lakes.

After pushing up yet another steep climb and coasting down the other side I made camp near a lake. Another new group of thru-hikers. People I've only been days apart from since the start but never met. It's pretty cool sharing stories and working out mutual friends.
It was an easy day into Stevens Pass where Copper Tone, the trail angel following the heard all season, was at his final spot.for the year. His offers of Creaming Soda/Icecream spiders went quite as tempting as they were in the heat of the desert... so I took a hot.chocolate instead.
Made my way down to Skycomish to grab my bounce bucket, 2nd package from home and do laundry. Decided to stay the night as I'm ahead of shedual and a few beers sounded like a good idea. Will have to wait for the post office to open tomorrow (1130am) before heading out so I get to sleep in and have a nice breakfast!
Next time you'll hear from me I'll be posting from Canada!!
Wow, you are nearly there. ETA 25 Sept????
ReplyDeleteDepending on how long I get vortexed in Stehekin updated projections put me finishing around the 22nd.
ReplyDeleteSo today's the 21st, you there yet ?
ReplyDeleteArrived today.