It probably wasn't the best weekend with yet another heat wave coming our way but it was the weekend I had free. With predicted temps reaching over 40°c (105°f) I knew it was going to be a hot one. Probably shouldn't have started my hike at 2pm....
Much to my surprise the car park was actually a little busy, I counted 16 cars in all. On the way in I passed many heading out who reassured me of the flowing pools ahead. It was only a short walk in but I drank almost 2 full litres of water and even had a break mid way. Beautiful black boys were plentiful off track and, for the most part, gums provided some shade on trail.

I made it to the Lower Portals and dropped my pack. It's been a long while since I had been in here but the camp seems really far away from the portals now. Sign told me half a kilometre! The old sites right near the swimming hole were all closed for rehabilitation.
Great swim in the nice cool flowing water. Very steep sides in the gorge so it was all in the shade as well. Hopped up on some rocks that had obviously been hit by the midday sun and still retained its heat. Went up stream a little to relax in the waterfall cave for a while before eventually heading back to camp.
I probably got less than 100m before my beard was already dry from the heat and I started to get a little hot again. Luckily the creek runs near camp so I was at least able to wash my face and have and small splash in the shallows. Only one other couple camping in here who seemed nice. Others must have gone onto Junction camp or were the day hikers I saw heading out.

After having some food I decided to head back up for another swim. 6pm and still hot! On my way I passed another hiker that had setup camp in the rehabilitation zone, his tarp literally using the 'No Camping' sign as a support... he also had a fire going. Total fire ban at the moment, heat wave and even from the trail I could feel the heat of the fire...
Another nice dip in the swimming hole and I was cool again. The sun had hid itself behind the mountain and by the time I got out I was thankful I brought my head torch up. Plenty of cane toads hopping about which is sad, lots of other wildlife starting to stir though.

Made it back to camp and another group was just setting up. Smart to hike in late and out early. It's still hot though, but not sweltering like it was earlier in the day. Some more snacks before heading to bed. So hot that I'm not even in the sleeping liner. I didn't even unpack the sleeping bag...
Moon came out and shined brightly. It was bright enough to see everything in camp without a head torch. Great for looking at the night wildlife, but not so awesome when going to sleep... Plenty of bugs around. Had to shoo 3 spiders out of my tent and squatted a few mosquitoes. Thankfully as the sun went down all the flies went away.
Woke in the morning to a pretty faced wallaby munching on some grass near my tent. Watched for a little while before it got too hot to lay there ( at 630 am!) quick pack up and another short dip in the swimming hole before hiking out to enjoy the aircon on the drive home!