Before I could get back to the woods I had to cross the famous 'Bridge of the Gods' no pedestrian space, cars going over both ways avoiding hikers. It was a pretty cool bridge though. It isn't the highest but a bridge climb would give some good views.

Second day in Washington and it lived up to reputation. Lots of climbing but with a nice cool change. Light mist most of the morning that condensed on leaves and dropped onto hikers.

For lunch I found an awesome cliff edge to sit on. There were also some awesome views back to Mt Hood and forward to Mt Adams throughout the day.

Wound back down a bit to a nice spring for camp. As I took longer enjoying the views I rolled in a little late but was still able to set up in the fading light. Days are already notably shorter.
The next day started with a sleep in and later departure from camp. Stopping off at a beautiful blue lake for lunch and winding around a few more in the afternoon. Got to my planed campsite described as 'large' to find another 13 people already setup. Still a bit of light so I pushed on and found a nice quiet solo spot to bed down.

The next day was an easy 6 or so miles to the road for Trout Lake. Well if you exclude the steep 1500 ft climb over 2 of those... Trout Lake was a really friendly town with lots of places at the cafe and store to charge batteries. Made it just in time for late breakfast and by the time I got my resupply box and waited for charging had a late lunch too.
It took a while to get a hitch but eventually a really friendly and happy monk from the local Abby was on his way to leave some trail magic at the trail head and took us up. He thought the PCT would be an amazing spiritual journey, obviously for the 15 min car ride I refrained from sharing my exact stance on religious matters.
Back on trail by about 1630, meaning it was a quick 7 hour turn around in town, time gets away when there's hot food and plenty of hikers to chat with. Got a few miles in before camping near a meadow. Luckily got to eat dinner outside, finishing up just as the sky opened. Only a drizzle but looks set in and might mean a wet pack up.
Rain throughout the night and plenty of Puddles around camp. Little bit on the floor of the tent, must have some small holes by now. Was a small break in the rain to allow me to pack up and get moving. Rained most of the morning and drizzled the rest of he day, T.Gratts would love hiking in this... Did see a glimpse of blue sky that lasted 15 min before clouds closed in again. Still managed to see Mt Adams ocaisonally and the forest was still beautiful.

Another lucky break in he rain allowed me to setup camp. I know why people slow down in WA, the elevation isn't bad but with early camps because it's cold and late starts because of rain you lose a lot of hiking hours. Glad to camp early though, as soon as I got in my tent it started raining again. According to the weather man it should ease off tomorrow.
Another rainy night leading to another late pack up. This time though there was just enough light to cast a shadow. No rain this morning but the canopy dripping was enough to keep everything wet. Shoes were under the awning of the tent but still soaked from yesterday. Nothing quite like the feeling of putting on sopping wet shoes to start the day...

Even if they were dry it would have only lasted a few hundred meters. The undergrowth was holding water and as soon as you brushed by would unload onto your legs. Very cold and wet. Some was waist high so shorts get wet too.
Clouds parted at lunch giving a good window to mostly dry everything. Closed back in by the time I was ready to move on. Over knifes edge with some awesome views through breaks in the clouds. I was expecting a little more height/thinner ridge but it was still pretty cool.

It was a cold night with frost forming on the tent, I hope this was a weather event and not to be expected for the rest of Washington! It was a pretty short run down to White Pass made even shorter by a trip down a ski field. Just as I turned a corner there was a really spectacular view of Mt Rainier.

Kracker Barrel Store was friendly and a good place to hang out. It was also fairly clear skies so I was able to lay out gear and get it all dry. Still on the fence about staying at the inn tonight or hiking on but with every passing moment staying the night seems more likely...
The view aren't obviously awesome!!! Dad is feeling better and is up the front using his drop saw to cut the felled timber. Judy dropped in the morning and returned the waeco they had borrow d😀
ReplyDeleteSent from my iPhone
What an adventure! Enjoying reading your blog. I have done 2 so far. Too busy having a great time. We are just outside of Detroit boondocking in some lovely people's driveway. Nice to chat and hear about their lives and the places rhey have been.
ReplyDeleteI guess your trip is coming to an end soon. Are you planning the next one?
We really enjoyed our month in Canada. Found some lovely places to stay overnight especailly on the coast and lakes. Many spots near lighthouses. Lovely people too.
We are heading to Chicago and South then east to New England to catch the fall colours. Boston and New York and all points in between. Then back to Texas and home. That is the basic plan which may change if someone we meet suggests some place magical elsewhere.
Take care and keep enjoying.
More cool photos, though I'm not sure I'd struggle through in the rain to take them.
ReplyDeleteI've been looking at both your orig plan, as well as the live distance, and both show slightly different end dates.
How long do you have left ?
9-11 days depending on how long I get stuck in towns.
ReplyDeleteJust heard the news Scott. Well done!