It all started as these things mostly do. Trying to squeeze into Kens troopy with other divers when Ken was transporting equipment over for the house. Today we had to compete for space with 4x G tanks, so he could fix his compressor bank, and a new (to Straddie at lease) BBQ. With our dive gear on the roof, there wasn't even legroom. Legs on top of the tanks and arms resting on the BBQ. Paul and John managed to squeeze into the front with Ken, but we were all glad it's only a short drive.
It all started as these things mostly do. Trying to squeeze into Kens troopy with other divers when Ken was transporting equipment over for the house. Today we had to compete for space with 4x G tanks, so he could fix his compressor bank, and a new (to Straddie at lease) BBQ. With our dive gear on the roof, there wasn't even legroom. Legs on top of the tanks and arms resting on the BBQ. Paul and John managed to squeeze into the front with Ken, but we were all glad it's only a short drive.
I was surprised how quiet the barge was, only being about a third full. We grabbed a seat inside and watched as the staff tried to pull apart the register to fix it. After a respectable go they eventually gave up. Started taking orders on a paper bag. We got to Kens and claimed our rooms and enjoyed a beer before bed. Hot night tonight, but the fans are running providing a needed breeze.
We lost power about 4 in the morning, so much for the breeze from fans. Most people up and stirring around 6. We slowly pieced together gear, cooking breakfast and making coffee on the gas BBQ. Eventually we made our way towards the beach. A trailer wheel was making a bad clunk on the way down. Looks like Ken lost a wheel bearing. Still we made it and launched without issue. It was looking like a great day to dive but when we had just cleared the breaker's the engine stopped... not good. Fuel wasn't getting past the filter. We dropped anchor so we didn't slip further back into the waves and Ken got to work. Still dragging in the sand we hooked up an aux tank straight to the engine. Who needs filters anyway?
We lost power about 4 in the morning, so much for the breeze from fans. Most people up and stirring around 6. We slowly pieced together gear, cooking breakfast and making coffee on the gas BBQ. Eventually we made our way towards the beach. A trailer wheel was making a bad clunk on the way down. Looks like Ken lost a wheel bearing. Still we made it and launched without issue. It was looking like a great day to dive but when we had just cleared the breaker's the engine stopped... not good. Fuel wasn't getting past the filter. We dropped anchor so we didn't slip further back into the waves and Ken got to work. Still dragging in the sand we hooked up an aux tank straight to the engine. Who needs filters anyway?

We eventually made it to Shag rock and I had probably the best dive I have ever had there. 15+ m visit, 27°c. We started off by dropping straight onto a peacock mantis shrimp who was out and about. Then right nearby was 3 slipper crabs 1 muddy 2 ornate ghost pipe fish 2 octopus and plenty of fish. On our way around the rock we saw 2 turtles another octopus and lots of fish swimming about. At the exit of the swim through was a pretty big school of fish to push past then back to the boat which wasn't far away.

While we were down Ken bypassed the filter on the main tank and we motored over to Manta bommie. Not long after we dropped in there were 3 Mantas cruising through the water around us. A 4th not too far away. We hung with them for a bit and they were pretty friendly, letting us get close and playing with our bubbles. We also saw some nudies etc before heading back towards the boat. In a short stop at shark alley we saw 4 shovel nosed rays some cow tail rays and 2 spotted eagle rays that were playing and twisting in the stronger current. Eventually it was time to return to the boat and head back to shore.

As we couldn't put the weight of the boat on the broken wheel we left the boat on the beach. Gear was piled up in the troopy and we all walked back. After gear was washed Ken and a few helpers got to the task of replacing the wheel bearing. With Ken +3 helpers already standing around the wheel a few of us headed off to lunch at the pub instead. Was really busy, at least a 45min wait. So off to the fish n chip shop instead. Remember the lack of house power this morning? Well everything up here was closed because of it. Power was back on now but they lost most of the morning. The one above the IGA was closed too so we headed off to finally find some lunch at the bowls club.
By the time we had done the run around and finished lunch the wheel had been fixed and they had already retrieved the boat. It was a hot afternoon at Kens place so I lounged about all rather unenergetic like. BBQ dinner was nice as always, thanks to Anton for cooking, and after a few drinks we all made our way to bed.
Far less problems today. Power for breakfast made things easier! After a relatively easy launch . We made our way to Manta Bommie but with the higher swell and wind today it was a bit too much like a washing machine. Back to Shag Rock for another dive. Jeremy and I did the loop around the northern Rock again. Including the swim through. Not quite as much life as yesterday but the Ornate Ghost Pipefish were in the same place and the octopus were about in numbers again.
Far less problems today. Power for breakfast made things easier! After a relatively easy launch . We made our way to Manta Bommie but with the higher swell and wind today it was a bit too much like a washing machine. Back to Shag Rock for another dive. Jeremy and I did the loop around the northern Rock again. Including the swim through. Not quite as much life as yesterday but the Ornate Ghost Pipefish were in the same place and the octopus were about in numbers again.

The Dakota is a small plane wreck not far from Shag and there was some interest to drop onto it so off we went. One misplacement of the anchor at first but we got close on the second toss. It was about 7m away from where the anchor eventually rested. Easy to see with the good viz. Very small wreckage but some good life. Huge sweetlip, Wabby sharks, carpet sharks and a few other fish. A really big jellyfish joined us just as we left the plane. Biggest I have seen of its type. As it was a tiny wreck most people only had a 15 min dive and saw it all... twice.

Back over to Shag to use the remainder of our air. SW corner this time. It was pretty shallow so we cruised off slowly. More octopus and other critters and a shovel nose ray cruising inches above the sand.

We only stayed down for about 35min and felt it was time to end it. We snuck back to the boat and we're soon followed by almost everyone else. Marie had found a hermit crab playing chicken with an octopus and stayed for the show before eventually joining us on the surface. Pretty smooth run back considering an uptick in the wind. There was one spot where we did get a bit shallow, but with some good driving (and a few encouraging adult words directed at the boat) from Ken we were soon on shore.
The usual clean and pack ensued as various people left for the bus/ferry or off to catch the barge. We had booked on the 6pm so a bit of a wait. Luckily with electricity on again the gelato shop was open for business. We had a good view of the now (ever larger wind and swell) pummeling Manta Bommie. Lucky there was no arvo dive today!
Kristie and Jeremy took Kristina for an afternoon swim at the beach when John and I lazed about in the heat. The others packed up slowly and set off in search of an earlier barge. I got a tinge of pink on my back, stupid sun, so I found a nice spot to lie face down. Uneventful drive back to the ferry only to find out that they had stuffed Kristie and Jeremy's booking! They were on the 6pm barge... but not until Tuesday! Luckily they were 2nd in line for stand-by and about 5 vehicles made it on. A little bumpy on the ride home but entertainment from Kristina made the time pass quickly.
Great photos! Straddie is my favourite spot to dive around SEQ too.