Was a little awkward with just Jeremy and I lifting it into my high tray but we managed and then set off on our way. The beach was really nice, good hard sand and pretty smooth to drive on. Even the entrance to Freshwater campground, often boggy, was clear sailing.

Despite being a dive club trip there was a lot of family here... Mum/Dad were up for the weekend to help with my Nieces when Kristie/Jeremy were diving. Some of the other divers were staying in Rainbow so for at least tonight it was all family. Should be others coming up tomorrow.
After dinner, before the moon had a chance to rise, we went for a stroll on the beach. Love seeing the Milky Way in all its glory. Some friends have recently got into star shots, kinda made me wish I had one of their camera kits to work with here.
Early start and a quick jaunt over to the northern side of Double Island point. Only slightly delayed getting stuck on the entrance to the overland track. Weather looks fantastic. When all divers were ready we had an easy launch and set off diving!
We went out and were able to hook onto the mooring and the first group hopped in. Gary came back saying no sharks. Kristie and I thought he was joking. They saw 70 here last weekend! By that time Nic VT had finished his scenic 4wd tour (read: got lost) so we picked him up from the beach and then it was out turn.
Well Gary wasn't joking. No sharks. Not a one. Crazy. Great conditions with hardly any wind and minimal swell. However no sharks! We still saw quite a bit though, heaps of schooling fish (Barracuda, Wah-hoo, Bat fish and Damsels) as well as a Manta Ray, Octopus, Nudis and Nic even spotted an Eagle ray floating over head.
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Surface interval went by quick with all the Whale sightings, a dozen at least. Second dive was much the same, lots of fish. Quite a few moray eels this dive too and we also saw a Shark! But it was only a Wobby... Cold thermocline at parts but not too bad.
Back to shore to fill tanks. Takes a while when there isn't anyone back filling while people were diving. Drive back to camp was easy seeing another few whales off the beach. Family (+ Nic) dinner and then an early night for me.
Was due for a sleep in... at least for 30 min but woke up early anyway... Gave me a chance to pack camp before heading g around the point again. Didn't get stuck this time which was nice.

Easy launch again and a quick trip to the Rock. Once again no sharks! Still good diving though. Felt a little cold though. On the surface interval we saw at least 1/2 a dozen Manta Rays playing on the surface. Kristie, Nic and SNR jumped in to snorkel and try get a few snaps. At one point a sea snaked also came up to say hello.

Back to the rock and Jez and Nic decided to stay surface watch while the rest of us jumped in. More of the same, again with the lack of sharks. Good diving and pretty good vis, but a site known for sharks... with no sharks... Loads of fish though!
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Back to the beach and where we launched had gotten a little bumpy. By the time I was able to back my ute down the boat took on a wave or 2 and got pretty heavy. Was a bit difficult to gt out, had to get the Cruiser on it to drag it our a little. After a small struggle we got it on the trailer and I was able to drive out.
Late lunch the headed off home. Tide was still up so I decided the short beach (through Rainbow) would be easier than all of Teewah. Made it about 3min before getting stuck. Quick rescue by Thomas and by that time there was just enough hard sand to drive on. Aired up at the Shell and smooth ride home.
Nic and SNR thankfully came to the club to help with the boat. Definitely wouldn't of had a fun time trying to do it myself. Would have been impossible to unload the compressor. With the three of us it was over quickly and I got home around 8.
Quick unload and rinse of the Ute (it will need a full clean and vacuum...) to get some of the salt/sand off. Also a good rinse for myself then crashed shortly after into bed.
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