Mike is doing a section hike and his wife Jen is meeting him at a few spots on the way. By the time I had setup my tent there was a bowl of hot chilli and an esky full of beer waiting! Jen also makes the most amazing corn bread. There was hot-dogs and even vegetarian options too.
Watched the wood peckers do their thing. Beautiful crimson red head. After an amazing shower it was time to hit the sack... I think the sun was just about to set.
Calm pack in the morning as I was planning a 'short ' 13mi (21km) day. Trail offered some beautiful views of the dry canyon below. Stopped off at a pack just after meeting a highway for lunch. Saw squirrels roaming but couldn't get a good pic. Nice view of the valley though.
Hiked on up the side of the mountain. Pretty steep drop off to the right. Made for amazing views. Caught up to a fellow Hiker and was able to get a pic to prove I'm not sitting in a pub using photos from the internet.
Came across a water trough... though I had heard it wasn't the best source and carried enough to pass it by. Glad I did. The grass wasn't even as green as the water was!
When I stopped for lunch 2 hikers blew by. They must have been doing 23+ a day as they were only on day 3. Shunta offered me some birthday pringles and then I Hiked the remaining 3.5mi to Sunrise trail head to camp.
Arrived about 2:30 to a very windy canyon and a decent water source. Was tank/underground fed so still needed filtering. A few other hikers I've met came down to get water. But with the wind decided to push onto another camp a few more miles down. After sitting for about 1.5 hours I had half a mind to join them but camp was done and my tent fairs pretty well in the wind.
The wind got stronger and stronger. Some others had trouble with their tents breaking and mine was starting to bend. Not much do do but try to sleep. Despite the howling wind I fell asleep. Woke up at about 230am to more wind and at least 1 tent stake pulled out, and the rock placed on top of it rolled over. Couldn't get back to sleep so got up and start hiking straight away. Have a good head torch so it went really well. Passed by some who Hiked on. Their spot wasn't any better. Others another few miles on looked better situated.
Stopped just after sunrise as other hikers at the next site started to stir. There is water here so a bigger crowd. Laid out in the sun, made a warm Billy of milo and put my feet up for about an hour. After hiking on see a beautiful rainbow and a cool little lizard.
Hours later (29km from where I started at 3am) I made it to the HWY. The last 2 miles was almost a dead straight b-line for it. Looking directly up a 1300ft climb... which I decided to leave for the next day.
As soon as I hit the highway a truck pulled up and asked if I was headed into town. I guess they're pretty use to hikers here. I thankfully accepted and was soon dropped in the centre of a small country town. Busy season as we found in Laguna. Hotel and lodge (like a hostel) both full. Luckily I was able to grab a room at the inn just 'outside' of town (3min walk away...) Had a choice of single room with double bed or the suite. Managed to arrange a group of other hikers I had met on trail and 6 of us split the suite for $37 each. Some might say cramped but it's more room than a single tent!

Met a bunch of other hikers for dinner and to discuss future plans. Current pace sees most of us in Warner Springs on the Sunday, with he PO closed and unable to retrieve packages... can send it on for free but then I would have no milo! Topic of feet care also came up. Currently I'm the only Hiker we know of that hasn't got any blisters yet. Fingers crossed the good luck keeps up.
It felt great sleeping in a real bed and absolutely no wind but I was awake again just past 6 and keen to get going again. Ate an amazing bacon egg cheese croissant in town before trying to get a hitch back to the trail. It was under 5 min when a local land valuer pulled up. We got to talk property and Surveying on the 10 of so min drive to the trail. He had spent some time in Brisbane too, but that was nearly 25 years ago.
Started the long climb up at about 820. Something like 1600 ft up today... the first 2 miles fell pretty easily. Still on a bacon/coffee high from breakfast maybe. Last night I had taken the time to properly wash my feet which meant removing tape. In the first hour hot spots on the heels were back so I took a short break to re-apply tape and look at the view. On the way up I passed Matt and said G'day, when I stopped for the tape he caught up and kept trekking on. Then I got just past him, just out of site, but got a rock in my shoe. By the time I dealt with that he was on me again.
It was another 3-4 miles before I stopped for lunch under the small shade I could find. There were some cool little bits of the trail winding up the mountain side. Just after I had sat down and got my lunch out, Matt once again continued past at a steady pace.
After setting off I was walking for a while and rolled up on Matt just as he was finishing lunch as well. Made it to the third gate water cache at 3pm and stopped for a refill. Once gain Matt was right on my tail shortly after I stopped. We were basically the Tortoise and the Hare in a race. I would spring past but he would casually keep strolling by. As a result, and because I found it pretty amusing, I offered him the trail name of Tortoise which he gladly took on. Despite the feet feeling a little sore decided to rest up for an hour and refill then push onto Barrel Springs.
Stopped just shy of Barrel Springs. It was getting late, a little too late, so I hoped up a small gully and found some nice flat ground. 21 miles was a hard day. Fell almost immediately asleep.
Needed to make the PO so headed off early and caught most people packing up at barrel springs. I was still feeling a little sore from the previous days hike. It was mostly up hill and a very long day. Can't believe in a few months that will be a 'normal' distance.
Passed by Eagle Rock on the way down. Cool rock formation, apparently natural.
The 1.2 mi into town along a road wasn't exciting but I got supplies from the post office and a good meal at the Golf Course. Staying at the Resource Centre tonight. Lots of hikers all camped on the field out the back. Might just do a small day tomorrow. Next update in 4-5 days from Idyllwild.
Good to read all that Scott. Dad and I had our windiest camp in a tent last night as well. We got up out of bed and packed everything away and then Dad moved the car to the windy side and ties the tent to the car! All good! Then the rain came but as the wind continued after the rain we could pack up in the dry. On the road and it raining and still windy❤️
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