I saw most of the town yesterday but got to check out the fancy jerky shop before seeking shelter when it began to rain at 11. When you get a break in the clouds you get a pretty good view of the mountain you can climb on an optional detour. It's about 3500ft higher than Kosciuszko...
Stayed at a house about a mile out of town. Who doesn't like more walking... right? We fitted in 9 people to make it cheaper and I had my own bed! Ventured back into town to meet up with some friends for dinner. They wanted Mexican which I thought was rather brave considering the hiking... Pork tamale was great though. Walk back was rainy, but I was prepared with my rain jacket and only got a little wet on the legs.
Next morning I grabbed the batteries I had on charge and headed back to town for breakfast. Diner opened at six so I aimed to be there for 630. Turns out kitchen doesn't open till 645 but I had a pretty decent coffee while I waited for bacon, eggs, pancakes and a fresh fruit plate. I think that hiker hunger might be starting to kick in...
Hike up the mountain (and it was a big mountain, 5000 ft gain) was absolutely fantastic. Was some snow up to 2 inches on some parts of the track but I had boot prints most of the way in front.
Made it to the summit, eventually, and it was busy. First decent weather day for at least 3 days. Impossible to get a solo summit pic with the sign. There was 2 Survey markers up the top too, I was the only person interested...
The decent was pretty slippery at times and I saw 2 spills. I was luckily able to remain upright. 3000 ft down (plus some more random ups...) in total for camp. Fuller Ridge is known for its fantastic views which I crossed to get to camp. I got about a 30 second window to appreciate them before clouds closed in again.
Still some snow on the ground near camp but not much. Meant to be fine tonight but a lot of cloud still around at bed time.
Woke up to a frost coated tent and a damp bag. I slept pretty well last night only waking to the cold once. I fully in-cased myself in my bag so my warm breath caused some condensation to form in the bag and tent. Even the condensation on the inner tent wall had frosted.
Lots and lots of downhill today. Easy on the cardio but more impact on the legs and feet. After 8 miles I could feel my toes hitting the front of the shoe again. Had them much tighter today which helped with toes but I was feeling the tightness. Lots of other people, even those younger than me, are taking extended breaks for their knees but thankfully mine seem fine. Getting hot again out of the mountain air. Found a great spot under a boulder to rest for a while.
After another 7 miles of down hill, about 9000 ft down in 1.5 days I reached the valley bellow. It was lose sand which worked the legs a lot more than the downward slope... it was also extremely windy. Causing me to take a few side steps to avoid falling over. Good place for about a thousand wind turbines... I guess.
The last mile was slightly uphill to a Trail Angels house, Ziggy and he Bear. Nice carpet outside to cowboy camp on and they did a pizza run for dinner.
Ahead is a 56 mile fire closure with no real alternate like the last one. So it got some conversation time. The only 'suggested' route is about 55 miles but 50 of that is on bitumen and a good percentage on busy windy roads... the remaining on forestry trails. A few people are risking the fine and hiking through but the majority are getting a lift to the bus (1hr drive) and a bus (another hour) to the next nearest entrance, Big Bear Lake. Very few are doing the road walk.
While waiting for the bus around the closure I had some American fast food. In-N-Out burger. There is 4 items on the menu. Cheeseburger, Burger, Double Burger and fries. Add salad to cheeseburger for a burger and an extra piece of meat for the double. People still came in and would stare at the menu, for what seemed like ages, deciding. Was also impressed with the camping shop. A lot like BCF or Anaconda... but with guns.
The bus up to Big Bear was OK, brilliant views of the mountains as we took the windy road to the top. Great lake here would be good for skiing but looked cold... especially with snow on some of the mountains around it still... Group split in two as some went to the City and others to the Lake town. They're basically the same as the centres are 4ish miles apart and there's no distinction between them... Despite doing 0 trail miles today I treated myself to a nice steak dinner.
Yet another zero today. I got to go grocery shopping to send some packages off ahead. My bounce box is here too so I get to resupply on Milo and have Vegemite on toast. Nearest supermarket is about a 45min walk... not too bad really... but I paid the $1.50 for the bus anyway. I also met up with a Hiker friend who is bringing me my Sock Guards ('gaiters') which I left behind at Ziggy and the Bears. :o
After repacking all the groceries into various boxes to send on I took the time to wander down the lake shore for a bit. Water level is pretty low, only 1 launch ramp operational. Saw some fishing boats out, no one skiing.

Planning for a quiet dinner out. There is a group of hikers going to the pub with pool tables... but they are gathering at 10pm, past my bed time. Going to try get the early morning shuttle out to Onyx Summit and start hiking again. The towns are nice but the trail is better.
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